Vonage Contact Center | Record Personal Voicemail
How to create a recorded voicemail to be uploaded in Vonage Contact Center
1. Agents will use the Search in Windows 10 to open Voice Recorder or in Windows 11 to open Sound Recorder.
2. Open appropriate application.
3. Go to 3 dots in right hand corner, and select settings
4. In Setting select Recording format, and choose WAV.
5. After selecting WAV, the agent will record the personal voicemail greeting.
6. When the agent is happy with the recording, the agent needs to rename the recording as their Full Name with no spaces. (i.e. NormAndres)
7. Agents will right click on the recording and select Rename.
8. The name should be Full Name without spaces (NormAndres)
9. Agents will need to share this recording with Norm, Agents will click the box with an arrow in the right hand corner to share.